Saturday, June 29, 2013

Boys, Boys, Boys!

It's hard to believe the end of June has come.  Where May felt slow and sluggish, June flew by in a flash. June of 2013 will always be remembered as a really wonderful time for us.  Three things happened that made me so happy.

1. Matt did not travel on any road trips this month.  Unfortunately, this is because he was injured, and I would never wish that upon him.  But was there a silver-lining?  Absolutely!  While his team was on the road, Matt was home with us, except for two hours when he had to go to the field everyday.  That is more quality time than we could ever hope for during a season.  And the timing of it coming right before we will be separated for six weeks when I am obligated to stay in Florida for the remainder of my pregnancy come mid-July, couldn't have been more perfect.  I HATE that he wasn't able to play due to his ongoing hip injury, but I view the time we had together as an amazing gift from God.  It is just what I needed.  And Sienna needed.  We went on dates and took Sienna to the zoo and park and I got to go shopping ALONE!  There were times when I was worried Matt would get bored (and we definitely were sometimes), but he really took advantage of this time, recognizing that it was rare, and was such a huge help to me.  

2. With nothing else better to do, we buckled down, and decided to potty train Sienna.  It was something I had been contemplating for a month or two now, but was too nervous, lazy, and indecisive to just go for it.  But with Matt here, it felt much more doable.  We went with the "Naked House Arrest" approach.  Basically for the entire first day and a half we didn't leave the house and Sienna ran around completely naked. (We still put diapers on for naps and nighttime)  And it worked!  On the first day, by her fourth "pee", she ran to her little potty (which we kept in the living room), sat down, and peed!  Only a parent could see how that is a huge miracle! I couldn't believe it.  We had no more accidents that day.  Day 2 did not go so smooth.  I think she had an accident her first time in the morning.  Then she used the potty, but then she held it for a really long time.  Well by hour 36, Matt and I were going CRAZY.  So we decided to go to Chickfila.  Big Mistake.  She peed in the kids play area resulting in the entire place being shut down.  Oops.  Needless to say, I have not gone back to that Chickfila.  Later that evening, she also peed in her pants at the park, and had an accident at home.  I was extremely flustered and ready to give up, but Matt said we should give it one more day.  I'm so glad we did!  The next day, we went back on "Naked House Arrest" and she did beautifully.  Ever since then (two weeks ago), she has had maybe two accidents at home.  Being out in public, has definitely been a tougher and slower transition, but she's done great!  We had one accident at the ballpark and playground, but other than that, she has learned to go in public restrooms or she holds it until we get home!  I am so relieved and grateful that I took the time and energy and effort to do this.  I wasn't sure if she was even physically capable or mature enough to handle this, but she was!  And having Matt there, was the only reason it happened.  I would have given up after the second day, but having his support was invaluable.  I'm so proud of Sienna Rose.  Not even 22 months and potty trained.  I view this as one of Matt and I's greatest parenting accomplishments (at least so far)! : ) 

3. We are having twin boys!  I am grinning ear to ear even as I write this.  Maybe it sounds awful, that we are THIS excited to be having two boys.  But it really is what we both wanted.  I know God would have changed and prepared our hearts to perfectly love whatever He chose to give us, but this time He chose to give us our heart's desire, and we couldn't feel more blessed. Someone remind me of this post when I have two mischievous four year olds running around creating havoc on me and my house, okay?

Funny Sienna Things:
1. Obviously when she would go potty, we would make a big deal of it cheering and praising her.  Well now when she sees me or Matt go potty, after we flush the toilet, she claps her hands and says, "Yay Mama!" or "Yay Dada!"  It's pretty great.
2. A few days ago, we heard Sienna start crying from the bathroom, so Matt and I both run in to find her half in the potty with her little arms barely holding her up.  The sweet girl had actually climbed on to the potty herself, but fell in!  It's a mental picture that will not quickly be forgotten and make me laugh for a long time.
3. She loves wrestling and playing on the bed (of course).  But lately, her favorite thing is for all of us to pretend to sleep on the bed (she fake snores), and then she gets to wake us up by yelling really loudly.  I don't know why she thinks this is so much fun, but she LOVES it.  
4. Whenever we even mention the word "brothers", even in passing, she says "TWO"!  
5. She loves to see my belly, but not to tenderly kiss it or "love it".  She makes fart noised on it and thinks it is the funniest thing in the world.  Greatly encouraged by her father of course : )

Sienna's "eyes"

Naked House Arrest!

20 Weeks!


  1. If you don't do it already...keep a little potty in the car...with publix bags and wipes. My kids are 7 and 4 and we still have the potty in the car. There may even be humbling moments when you have to use it!!! If you have to go potty, and you have 3 kids in car seats, good luck making it to a McDonald's bathroom in time. (Speaking from some experience) :) We just pulled over on I-75 last week for Gia to go while we were stuck in traffic!
