Thursday, July 5, 2012

10 Month Old Sienna

Sienna turned 10 months old yesterday, July 4th.  How did that happen?  It's slightly (actually wholly) devastating.  As I held her yesterday and breathed in her sweetness, sadness overcame me.  Yes...sadness.  I realized I only have a few more years of holding her close- you know, REALLY holding her.  Down the road all I will get is hugs and occasionally she might sit in my lap, but that can't possibly compare to wrapping her whole body in my arms and breathing her in, can it?  I think not.  In just the last few days, I have so much more compassion for my own mother.  She says I stopped cuddling before I was two years old.  I fear Sienna is well on her way to that sort of expression of independence.  Before, I rolled my eyes when my mom struggled with or grieved over the steps that led me to a new stage of maturity (going to college, getting married, moving away, etc.), now I will commiserate with her.  As a matter of fact, I probably owe her an apology over those rolling eyes and maybe I even need to let her hold me a little more often.  

So in conclusion, Sienna is only 10 months would seem I have plenty more years left to cradle my baby, but I have a sinking feeling that 10 years will go by and it will have felt like 10 months.

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