I would like to start by saying that I KEPT A NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION!!! It can be done! Last January, my goal was to blog monthly. Well here we are, and I did it! Pat on the back to me. :)
It's been about a month since I last blogged and I am still tired. I may not stop being tired, at least for a few years…maybe eighteen years. I'm not sure. Life continues to be very busy. Matt started working out four days a week for a few hours each day, so I have all three kids on the days Sienna isn't in school. When this happens, I just tell myself from the beginning of the day that nothing I want to get done is going to get done! And this actually helps a lot! I can just spend the day (trying really hard) not to worry about how messy my house is or that we need groceries or that I need to call someone back, etc. It's just not going to happen and I have (almost) learned to be okay with that. Matt still doesn't have a team to play for this year, so that remains at the top of my prayer list. The boys are wonderful and giving us more and more smiles everyday! My dad (of course with his booming voice) has even gotten some chuckles out of each of them!
The biggest news of the month is that I decided (after years of deliberating) to become a Beachbody coach! This means that I sell products and help my customers reach their fitness goals through online accountability groups and hopefully recruit others to do the same under me! In some ways, the timing couldn't be worst. I am the busiest I have ever been without trying to develop an at-home side business. BUT, as I talked about in my last blog, the busier I am the more I thrive and the more motivated I am. The idea has been floating around in my head for years and on January 2, Lindsay Matway (Beachbody superstar coach) posted she was looking for new apprentices and in that moment I said, "Okay!" I've seen posts like that several times in the past, but this was the time I was ready. I can't explain it, but I am really excited about this! I have already been so blessed to receive such a great response on Facebook and I am really hopeful and can't wait to see what my Beachbody future holds!
Sienna Spotlight:
The other day, Price was sleeping in his crib and Sienna had just got home from a fun-filled day with her Granny. She climbed in the crib and Granny told him she couldn't wake Price up and Sienna quickly said, "I be quiet and take a nap-nap." Granny said okay and left the room. Fifteen minutes later when I checked on her, she was sound asleep next to her baby brother.
Matt came out of his room after getting dressed from church and Sienna says, "Daddy handsome."
I was driving Sienna home from school and she kept asking about Daddy. So I said, "Sienna, do you want Daddy to come home and see you now?" She looked at me very seriously, stuck out her palm (like a stop sign) and said "in a little bit, not right now. In a little bit, not right now."
Whenever I am sharp with her, or lose my temper, or am obviously stressed out, she looks at me and says, "You okay, Mommy?" Unfortunately, this happens a lot these days : )
Price and Maddox Milestones:
Maddox rolled over on January 19 (2 months and 22 days old). I had laid him on his tummy in his crib and after fussing for a few minutes, Matt went to check on him and he was on his back!
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